Jannetta Brass is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in mental health with a focus on family and trauma. As a former Licensed Funeral Director and embalmer Jannetta has witnessed how death through gang violence, law enforcement, domestic violence, abuse, and neglect has altered the family dynamics within the black community. It would be these life-changing events as well as Jannetta’s personal childhood and adulthood trauma that would put a passion in her heart and start the journey to bring healing from trauma through mental health.
The journey started in 2012 with Jannetta completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Ottawa University and completing her graduate degree with a Master’s in social work at Capella University in 2019. As an LCSW Jannetta has started parent does not come with a book LLC which provides parenting classes and mental health counseling.
Beginning to build a relationship will your therapist do wonders.
Deciding next job exactly what you want to work on life balance.
This is where you’re diving into the issues and working on yourself.
A time to reflect on everything you have accomplished so far.
A License Clinical Social Worker who specializes in mental health with a focus on family and trauma.
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